Welcome to East Riding 4 Business
Find Funding to Support Your Business Through East Riding 4 Business
Are you looking at the next stage in your business development and wondering if there is any financial assistance available?
Whether you are just starting out or looking at your next growth plans, the East Riding 4 Business site gives you access to a free and easy-to-use database. Providing you with a one-stop shop to search for national and international funding sources and giving you details on thousands of grants, loans, and other forms of financial assistance.
Use the 'search for funding' tab when you know what you want funding for or the 'browse for funding' tab to look through different funding categories.
In addition, check out below, the range of local grants for businesses available from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund.
These are delivered in conjunction with our team of experienced business advisers, who will work with you to identify which project(s) will help your business grow and improve and also what grants may be available to support with the costs.
Whilst we are able to support most businesses with our grant schemes, there are some exclusions, including core farming activity, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry and fisheries. Grants are mainly aimed at small and medium-sized businesses; however, we can support larger businesses where economic need and benefit are demonstrated. Grants are available for between £250 and £50,000 with a maximum contribution of 50% towards identified eligible costs of the project, subject to the maximum amounts as stated on the different types of projects as listed below. Please be aware that approval must be in place for any grant prior to commencing with the project, we cannot fund any project retrospectively.

Revenue grants – Up to 50% of project cost available to a maximum grant £5,000
Revenue projects could include:
- Costs of bringing in external specialist consultancy advice.
- Event attendance.
- Costs associated with achieving relevant accreditations.
- Marketing & Sales costs, including online advertising spend, advertisements and promotional materials.
- Websites.
- Software licences.
Please note: as grants are available to help improve and grow your business, we cannot support general day-to-day costs such as rent, finance costs, staffing costs, utility bills, stock etc.
For further information on the grant application process, identify if you are eligible and how financial assistance may be accessed, please contact the team on 01482 391622 or email business.support@eastriding.gov.uk.
Training Grants – Up to 50% of project costs available to a maximum of £5,000 per business
Grants of up to £1,500 (minimum £250) per employee to a maximum of £5,000 per business are available to support training costs. This does not include coaching, mentoring or other similar consultancy projects and can only be applied for if no other funding is available. Employees receiving the training must be in a permanent position (or undertaking the training to secure a permanent position) in the business and must be a resident of the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Grants can be applied to support the costs of training as identified through a training needs analysis (TNA) to be undertaken by the business with their employee(s). The training must clearly add value to the business and support growth plans. This could include training to support the development or promotion of a new product or service or ways to improve process, productivity or efficiency within the business.
For further information on the grant application process, identify if you are eligible and how financial assistance may be accessed, please contact the team on 01482 391622 or email business.support@eastriding.gov.uk
Carbon reduction grants – Up to 50% of project costs to a maximum grant of £20,000
Grants are available with the amount being linked to CO2 reductions identified through an independent energy audit.
Grant is available at £1500 per tonne of CO2 emissions saved per annum subject to a maximum intervention of 50%.
Grants can be used for a range of identified projects which could include:
- Installation of low/zero carbon energy infrastructure such as solar panels and wind turbines.
- Installation of energy-efficient lighting.
- Installation of energy efficient boilers.
- Changes to the fabric of buildings specifically aimed at CO2 reduction.
For further information on the grant application process, identify if you are eligible and how financial assistance may be accessed, please contact the team on 01482 391622 or email business.support@eastriding.gov.uk
Capital Grants – Up to 50% of project cost available to a maximum grant of £50,000
Capital grants are primarily available for small scale capital expenditure with maximum grants of £5,000 for moveable assets and £10,000 for fixed assets.
These could include, but not limited to:
- Purchase of plant and machinery (this cannot be for like-for-like replacement for existing equipment).
- Purchase of ICT equipment over £500.
- Outright purchase of software licences or purchase of bespoke software systems, including websites.
- Improvements to retail premises including signage.
However, where there is significant economic impact associated with the project, we can consider larger grants of up to £50,000. The applicant would need to demonstrate this impact through the application process. These impacts could include multiple jobs being created, significant supply chain development, increasing tourism accommodation bed spaces or creating business-related facilities in rural areas.
Types of projects could include:
- Purchase of larger pieces of machinery and equipment which will be fixed in place in the business premises and not moved in normal use (excluding purchase of land and buildings).
- Upgrades and improvements to non-moveable fixed assets including repurposing of buildings for farm diversification.
- Infrastructure projects (e.g. site developments, signage, shop front improvements etc).
For further information on the grant application process, identify if you are eligible and how financial assistance may be accessed, please contact the team on 01482 391622 or email business.support@eastriding.gov.uk.
Other funding portals
- BUSINESS (This portal)
Funding success?
Please let us know here (your funding success)
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Invest East Yorkshire
Invest East Yorkshire offers a comprehensive range of services for start-up and established businesses, as well as inward investors. Our team will ensure that you gain access to the support and services relevant to your business needs.
Everything we do is designed to help businesses thrive in East Riding of Yorkshire.
Invest East Yorkshire is an East Riding of Yorkshire Council Service.
Visit: investeastyorkshire.co.uk to find out more.

Social Media
Follow us on social media:
- Invest East Yorkshire
- The Supply Chain Network:
National business news
- 26/03/2025
- Spring Statement Outlines New Measures to Support Economic Growth
- 25/03/2025
- Grants for UK Social and Environmental Projects
- 24/03/2025
- IUK Announces Grants for AI Projects Addressing Business Challenges
- 21/03/2025
- UKRI Funding Offered to Support Future Leaders in Research and Innovation
- 20/03/2025
- Tranzfuser Initiative Supports UK Games Graduates in Indie Studio Endeavours
In collaboration with partners, the Invest East Yorkshire team offers workshops, events and networking opportunities designed to support your business. Our events are considered, designed and delivered to meet the current needs of our business community.
To find out more and book on to one of our future events, click here.

The Supply Chain Network opportunities map is available to businesses to help share intelligence regarding developments, tender/bid opportunities and requests for quotations.
Whether you are looking to identify an additional pipeline of opportunities and contracts to apply for or looking for a supplier yourself and want to post an opportunity the platform is free and easy to use.
The opportunities map platform is free and easy to use.
Visit: thesupplychainnetwork.co.uk to find out more.